Equipping Our kids for a better tomorrow


Servant's Heart Leadership Academy's mission is to get the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to the youth and children of the Cedar Creek Lake area through biblically based activities in areas of community service, education and leadership. 


Servant’s Heart Leadership Academy’s vision is to provide a safe and positive atmosphere in which youth can be equipped with skills, principles and values that will lead them to be productive and successful leaders in their homes, churches and community.


God always has been and always will be. He created and sustains life. He has no equal. He exists in three distinct and equal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. This reality is often referred to as the Trinity.
Genesis 1:1; Psalm 90:2; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14

Jesus and God are one. Jesus has always been, and yet he lived on earth during the first century A.D. Throughout his earthly life, he was completely God and completely human. After living a perfect, sinless life, Jesus died on a cross, offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for every human being who has ever lived. He remained in the grave for three days and then defeated sin and death by rising from the grave. He ascended to heaven and will return to earth one day to reign as King.
Matthew 1:22-23; Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1-5; Hebrews 1:3, 4:14-15; 1 Corinthians 3:17; Romans 1:3-4

Holy Spirit
The Spirit is an equal part of the Trinity. He works in the world to make all people understand their need for Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit lives inside all followers of Jesus from the moment they begin to follow Him. The Spirit gives followers of Jesus the strength to live lives that please God.
John 14:16-17, 16:7-13; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 2:12, 3:16; 2 Corinthians 3:17; Ephesians 1:13-14

John's Story

Where We Began

When I was around the age of 7, I would walk the streets with my brother, friends or sometimes even by myself. One day, I found a local recreation center in my neighborhood in Pleasant Grove. It wasn't so much the rec center that impacted me as much as the people who served there. When entering the facility, you were required to leave collateral to be able to play with any of the equipment in the gymnasium. Being the small kid that I was, with absolutely nothing of value to give, a kind woman at the front desk told me to look deep into my pocket. She assured me that I had SOMETHING, even if it was just some pocket lint. Sure enough, she was right! She then proceeded to allow me to check out basketballs, leaving only pocket lint for collateral anytime I went to the rec center.

As I have grown older, I now see that she was a woman who simply desired to serve those in the community that she could. This simple act of kindness gave me a safe place to play and stay out of trouble until I was about nine years old. It also inspired me to extend a helping hand to those who we can.

 I believe that every young person is gifted with unique strengths and has the ability, deep down, to lead others in some capacity! We plan to reach the youth of our community through our micro school, outreaches, community service events and one day operating out of a
recreational center that will be open and available to all the youth of the Cedar Creek Lake area.

-John Mendoza, President

Our Core Values

Our desire is to partner with parents to develop lifelong learners who pursue excellence in all they do, think critically and creatively, and have confidence in the Word of God. Our goal is to equip and train the next generation to follow Jesus' example of selfless, sacrificial servant leadership in all areas of life!


Equip your children for a life of resilient faith and selfless servant leadership.


See families and culture flourish through quality Christian education.


Connect with families who desire to invest in the future generation.

Board of Directors

John Mendoza


John is the Connections Pastor at Liberty Baptist Church in Gun Barrel City. He is the owner and operator of Servant's Heart Plumbing. He has been in the plumbing industry for 25 years but has been driven to serve since he was reborn in August of 2013.  

Mellissa Mendoza

Vice President

Mellissa is the founder, architect and teacher of S.H.L.A.'s micro school, curriculum, and daily  schedule. She is a certified teacher and taught 4th grade reading and writing at Mabank I.S.D. for 4 years before following God's call to start S.H.L.A.

Rachelle Gammon


Rachelle has been a 4th grade math teacher at Mabank I.S.D. for 5 years. She earned the teacher of the year award for the 2021-2022 school year. She has a great passion to not just educate, but develop and grow relationships with her students. 

Aaron Hernandez


Aaron is the owner and operator of A.A.H. Construction in Gun Barrel City, where he focuses on the heart of the men that he employs so that they can be in alignment with the call that men have been biblically given, to lead well in their personal lives and homes.  

Johanna Burge

Board Member

Johanna has been a Special Education teacher for 32 years. She is currently teaching at Mabank I.S.D. with children from ages 3 - 18. She serves children through work programs as well as being a foster parent for the last 22 years. 

Jose Villareal

Board Member

Jose is a Deacon at Liberty Baptist Church as well as a Technical Sales Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean. Jose has earned 2 Masters degrees in business, along with other degrees and currently owns 14 U.S. Patents. 

Joe Mendez

Board Member

Joe is a Master Mason who owned a custom stone business for many years before surrendering to the ministry. He is now the Lead Pastor of Liberty Baptist Church in Gun Barrel City. He has served God faithfully since he was reborn in December of 1998.

Get Involved - Help Change Our Kids' Lives!

Servant Heart Leadership Academy has been an answered prayer for our family.

The best part is that they are learning the fundamentals of life and this includes Jesus. SHLA is top notch and they treat each student as their own.

-The Scrivners

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